I hope you have enjoyed the photographs and videos as much as the team have enjoyed taking them.
My thanks to the two girls Liz and Emma who have assisted over the week and braved sun, rain, wind, walks and nights to get the photos.
We have had over 10,000 hits to the camp blog which is great to see you all hunting for your child on photo or video.
If they are missing, then that's because they are camera shy, as we have tried to get round every cadet and even adult.
I hope the blog gives you some idea of the week and the kind of activities the cadets participate in.
They were a great bunch this year and we have a few funny clips on video where not everything went to plan.
Keep checking back as we will update the blog again sometime after camp.
It is hoped to upload the original photos in full quality as apposed to the reduced quality on the blog which is to done to reduce upload times.
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